Bulk Storage of Highly Flammable Liquids (HFL's)

The maximum volume of any flammable liquid with a flashpoint below the maximum ambient temperature of the working area that may be stored in a flame resistant cabinet within any single workroom is 50 litres (regardless of the total capacity of the storage cabinet). Please note this is a suggested safe practice as opposed to a specific limit. 

Bulk stocks of HFLs above 50 litre must be kept in a designated solvent store

Some further safeguards when storing and using HFL’s that should be considered to ensure compliance with current fire and safety legislation.

Entry to HFL storage locations should be restricted to authorised  keyholders.

Bottles of HFLs should be transported in sealed bottle carriers capable of containing the contents of the bottle in event of spillage.  The bottle carriers must be used to transport the HFLs to the work area.

The total volume of HFLs in any laboratory or work room (other than the designated bulk solvent store) must under no circumstances exceed 50 litres. (The 50 litre limit is set by DSEAR legislation).
All HFLs must be stored in specially designed and approved flammable storage cabinets. (Ordinary COSHH metal storage cabinets may not be acceptable if they do not include protection against spills and leakage.)  Flammable Storage Cabinets must be conspicuously marked with the approved labels to indicate they contain HFLs. Cabinets should be used only for flammable petrochemicals and solvents and never co located with corrosive oxidants, acids, alkalis or other materials which could react with the solvents or cause corrosion of the cabinet. HFLs should not be stored on the open bench or in fume cupboards.

Bottles of HFLs temporarily removed from their storage cabinets should not be left on the open bench in direct sunlight.  Empty bottles which once contained HFLs should be handled and stored as carefully as full bottles  in flammable storage cabinets or designated solvent stores as they may contain explosive vapours.