10 things to do for safety in the home

10 things to do for safety in the home

1. Fit smoke alarms – the simplest and cheapest safeguard to give early warning of a fire, prevent a major fire developing and give you time...
Safety Tips for Bonfire Night

Safety Tips for Bonfire Night

Fawkes Night on November 5th is an ancient tradition originally intended as a celebration of the failure of Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators to ...
Podcast on how to get the best fire extinguisher for your company.

Podcast on how to get the best fire extinguisher for your company.

Ensuring your business and staff are protected from the risk of fire is of paramount importance. However, many people don’t realise that they are l...
Car Fire Extinguishers stand test of time

Car Fire Extinguishers stand test of time

The safety benefits for having a car extinguisher were recognised 100 years ago when Pyrene introduced the first CTC (Carbon Tetrachloride) canister in...
Farm fire safety regulations

Farm fire safety regulations

The Regulatory Reform (Fire safety) Order (RRO) has a long reach and virtually all types of business premises are required to comply. Some may be s...
Smoke without Fire

Smoke without Fire

Although fires resulting from cigarette, pipe and tobacco smoking are less than 5% of the total 40% of fire related deaths in the home are caused ...
Hotel Fire started by Party Coach Revellers

Hotel Fire started by Party Coach Revellers

When I think of a coach party I recall the 50’s and 60’s with some nostalgia, the time before the package holiday ushered in a new era for holiday ...
5 More Common Causes of Fire in the Home

5 More Common Causes of Fire in the Home

  6. Portable Heaters   Portable gas and electric heaters can be lethal if poorly sited or misused. Fan and radiant heaters can quickly overheat...
5 Safety tips on how to avoid Fire Hazards in the home

5 Safety tips on how to avoid Fire Hazards in the home

1. Your Kitchen Kitchen fires are by far the most common cause of fire in the home. With water, electricity, fats, gas, wood and any number of che...
Ionization smoke detectors versus Photo-electric smoke detectors

Ionization smoke detectors versus Photo-electric smoke detectors

There is an old adage that says if it happens in America it is only a matter of time before it happens here in the UK. If that holds true it could ...
Talking fire extinguishers to educate kids

Talking fire extinguishers to educate kids

  Children are being taught about fire safety in Lincolnshire schools.   The local fire and rescue service has introduced three talking fire ext...
Holiday travel tips for the motorist

Holiday travel tips for the motorist

The School Holidays got into full swing this week. The roads will be packed with millions of parents and their over excited kids heading for the beaches ...